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Linkom-PC attended “The Context of Sale” seminar, organized as part of the special Bizit seminar / conference in Belgrade, May 30, 2024. With an all-star cast of lecturers from the region, as well as a variety of sale techniques and opportunities showcased to the intrigued audience, the highly anticipated event was a success.

“The Context of Sale”

It was a pleasure and an honor to be in attendance of such company, headlined by the wise words coming from the presentations of Branko Djakovic, Miroslav Varga and Vojislav Voja Zanetic – “the holy trinity” of this event.

"The Context of Sale" seminar, organized as part of the special Bizit seminar / conference in Belgrade, May 30, 2024, Branko ĐakovićThe first part of the event was highlighted by the presentations of Dejan Soskic and Oliver Toskovic – two extremes of the sales topic. The first one being about the economic growth of Serbia during two 11-year periods – one being from 2001 to 2011 and the other from 2012 to 2023.

The other presentation was focused more on the psychology aspect of sales – how customers think and how they can be “forced” to think differently than usually, depending on the circumstance.

The second part of the event was highlighted by “the holy trinity of the event”, while the third and last part covered discussion panels and interviews.

“The holy trinity of the event” was certainly the big spectacle and what all the fuss was about. The definite highlight of the event. An audience member who regularly goes to such events and seminars can only hope to see this kind of group of people at once. This is a unique type of deal to be a part of. Being there was nothing short of amazing, such a privilege and it felt like a “once in a lifetime type of opportunity not to be missed”.

That you have an opportunity to listen, watch and learn from such minds of business, and, may I say, life as well, as great philosophers of modern times, has to be some sort of dream event you didn’t know you wanted or needed, but you’re glad it happened. Never could you picture these people all in the same room at once. It was a dream none of us really deserved.

The only crazier thing would be if they had a presentation all at once instead of separately like they did. If that was to ever happen, Branko Djakovic would certainly be an instigator in the group, moving the group forward and inspiring the best versions of Varga and Zanetic to get out of their ideas-filled bodies.

Varga would be the best supporting man for sure, he would know when to be the lead and went to step aside and step back, but also be supportive of better ideas than his own if needed. Zanetic would do a combination of what Djakovic and Varga would do, all of their characteristics sandwiched into one. When you imagine it like that – they would work in perfect harmony if given a chance to do so. But, even separately, with their own presentations, they didn’t shine any less than they might’ve together, as one.

Thank you to the BIZIT organization, organized by PC Press, that put these unbelievable men together in one room.

Mihailo Ilić, Linkom-PC, marketing

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